4 Most Common DIY Pest Control Mistakes

You may have seen some ants crawling across your counters or in a corner of your kitchen. Maybe you've seen a mouse or any other type of pest in your house. Once aware of a pest problem, it’s common to want to resolve the issue as quickly as you can on your own.

However, before you rush things, it's important to know the most common Do-It-Yourself (DIY) pest control mistakes to ensure your DIY methods are successful.

Proceeding Without Determining the Cause

Overlooking the cause will prevent you from getting rid of all the pests in your home. It's a mistake that can keep pests returning to your place, and the mistake happens when you only focus your efforts on the visible pests. Taking time to find the source of the pests can help you deal with issues more efficiently.

Not Identifying the Right Type of Pest

A pest is a pest, right? Wrong. There are many types of pests, and it's crucial to identify exactly what you are dealing with to know the right pest control method. While some methods work great for controlling rodents, those same methods might not work at all for controlling nuisance birds.

Overusing Products

You might be tempted to think that more is better when using pest sprays, but this is a mistake you need to avoid. This is because most chemical-based pesticides are highly concentrated and can lead to health issues when used in large quantities inside and outside your home.

Not Keeping Your Home Tidy

Pests love untidy spaces. An unkempt house will give those pests a shelter where they can multiply. Keep a tidy kitchen, with crumbs quickly swept away each day, dishes done, and trash removed. Further, regularly vacuum the carpets, remove the dust on the surface, and keep clutter to a minimum.

Prevent Pests with Critter Guard

Avoid making the above DIY pest control mistakes for your home. Each type of pest requires a specific treatment, so it's crucial to use the right pest control products.

At Critter Guard, we provide humane and top-quality pest control products to help prevent pests in your home before they become an issue. To learn more about our pest control solutions, contact us today!