7 Signs of a Raccoon Problem in Your Home

Few things are as unsettling as hearing strange noises in your home at night. If those noises include the sound of scampering feet, accompanied by growling, hissing, or screeching, you might just have a raccoon problem.

Raccoons typically make their homes in wooded areas that are moist or near water. So, if you live near one of these areas, it's possible that a raccoon may have made its way into your home. Besides the noise, raccoons can pose dangers, as they can carry diseases. While attacks on humans are rare, raccoons will do so when they feel cornered.

When dealing with a possible infestation, it's good to know what you're dealing with, as groundhogs, woodchucks, squirrels, and other woodland creatures have been known to make homes in attics. Besides sounds, here are six other signs you may have a raccoon problem:

  • Scratches: You'll commonly find scratches on walls, posts, floors, and other surfaces in your attic and other foundational elements of your home.
  • Footprints: If you examine ductwork, you may find small footprints visible in the naturally accumulating dust. Other dusty areas in your home, such as cabinet tops, may also bear footprints.
  • Holes: Racoons typically gain entry through holes in the foundation or roofs. So, if you find holes near the base of your home or in the soffit panels of the roof, you may have an unwanted intruder.
  • Trails: Racoons entering through the roof will make trails through your insulation to travel. As raccoons are larger than many other common pests, large tunnels in your insulation may be a specific sign of raccoon infestation.
  • Droppings: Given that raccoons are relatively larger than other woodland pests, expect their droppings also to be a bit larger. If you see droppings that resemble those of a small dog, that's another sign that you likely have a raccoon in your home.
  • Garden damage: Another telltale sign of raccoon infestation is damage to your garden or yard. Overturned trash cans and holes in your lawn or backyard indicate raccoon intrusion.

Keep Raccoons Out with Critter Guard

Raccoons can cause substantial damage to your home and even injure you, your family, or your pets. The best way to deal with raccoon infestation is prevention. With Critter Guard's pest deterrents, you can prevent raccoons and other common pests from accessing your attic by climbing up trees and utility poles. Contact us today to learn more about Critter Guard's Line Guard and Pole Guard products.