The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Surge Protectors

A surge protector is a piece of equipment that protects your devices from electrical surges. When you plug in your device, the surge protector’s specialized circuit redirects a surge of electricity into the ground without going through your electrical appliance. Power surge protectors are crucial for protecting your devices from damage during power outages. Keep reading to discover the do’s and don’ts of surge protection.

The Dos

Check Your Connections

Most surge protectors come equipped with AC sockets. However, depending on your electrical devices, you may need a greater variety of sockets, such as USB, coaxial, and networking ports. Check your connections to ensure you are purchasing a surge protector that works for you.

Get More Outlets Than You Need

When choosing a surge protector, it is best to overestimate the amount of outlets you will need. Extra outlets will come in handy when new devices are added over time.

Know Your Plug Sizes

Buy a surge protector with wide spaces between the outlets to accommodate extra-large plugs.

Invest In More Joules

The joules help in measuring energy, and they play a significant role in surge protectors. Your surge protector joule rating is an indicator of how much energy it absorbs. The higher the joule rating, the better the surge protector.

The Don'ts

Don't Confuse a Surge Protector and Power Strip

Don't be confused between a surge protector and a power strip. While similar in appearance, a power strip’s purpose is to provide extra outlets for your benefit. A surge protector is used to protect your electronic devices.

Don't Overload It

A surge protector only protects the directly connected devices. Do not plug power strips or other surge protectors into one surge protector and ensure the devices you have plugged in do not exceed the wattage capacity. An overloaded protector fails to stop a power surge that can ruin your electronics or even cause fires.

Don't Use It for High-Power Capacity Items

Appliances such as microwaves or space heaters should not be plugged into surge protectors. These appliances need to be plugged directly into the wall AC socket.

How Critter Guard Can Help

At Critter Guard, our Line Guard and Pole Guard products are designed to help keep your appliances and devices protected by preventing power outages from occurring in the first place. To learn more about our products and how they can keep power flowing in your home, contact us today!