Effects and Impact

When Wildlife Invades: The Hidden Pests That Often Follow Bigger Animals into Your Home

When Wildlife Invades: The Hidden Pests That Often Follow Bigger Animals into Your Home

Rodents, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and other common household pests are notorious for damaging structures, contaminating food and other household goods, and putting your health at risk. Unfortunately, when these bigger pests invade your living space, they are not always alone.  They are often accompanied by smaller pests that can bring secondary pest problems. Discover some uninvited guests who may follow bigger animals into your home. 


Fleas are little blood-sucking insects that feed on the blood of other warm-blooded animals including pests such as rats, mice, raccoons, and squirrels. These bigger pests act as carriers, often hiding fleas in their fur and spreading them around as they move through your home. Once inside your home, fleas can quickly multiply resulting in a serious infestation. 


Ticks are small insects that feed on blood. They usually get into homes on the fur of other bigger pests. Tick bites can spread diseases such as Lyme disease, a serious bacterial infection that can damage the heart, joints, and nervous system if left untreated.


Mites can pass diseases to humans and other animals. Depending on the variety, they can get into your home in different ways. For instance, flour mites get into your home through contaminated flour while bird and rodent mites attach themselves to their hosts, often jumping from the host when it dies.

Carpet Beetles 

Carpet beetles can damage your fabrics and cause allergic reactions among other problems. While some can fly directly into your home, carpet beetles also feed on feathers and are easily attracted to bird nests. 


Flies eat everything. Because they often invade homes in search of food sources and moisture, having another pest problem provides a conducive environment for flies to breed quickly as they feast on animal waste and other food sources.

Other Pests

Other smaller pests that may follow larger pests into your home include ants, cockroaches, lice, silverfish, and termites. Besides being a nuisance and causing further property damage, these smaller bugs pose a health risk to you and your loved ones.

How Critter Guard Can Help

Preventing an infestation calls for more than regular cleaning. Sealing entry points, including utility lines, and conducting regular inspections can ensure that bigger pests and their uninvited guests do not gain entry into your home. 

At Critter Guard, we provide a range of wildlife control solutions designed to prevent wildlife from entering your home and bringing the above pests with them. Contact us for more information about our products and how they can solve your specific animal problem.